Draft letter for municipal water suppliers
Part 2 • Page 10-1
Part 2 – Supplementary Operating Instructions
Rev. 4.00 December 2014
Software version 1.04
EcoRO Dia I/II (HT)
Part 2 • Ch
apter 10
10. Draft letter for municipal water suppliers
To the
[municipal water supplier]
[City], [Date]
Dear Sir or Madam,
Artificial kidneys make high demands on the quality of water used. For your information, I have enclosed
a copy showing the present quality standard for water used to dilute concentrated haemodialysis solution.
If this quality standard is not met, it can lead to situations which threaten the lives of patients.
Especially chemicals such as aluminium, fluorides, free chlorine and chloramines, which are generally
used for municipal water treatment, can have a detrimental effect on the health of haemodialysis patients.
In our dialysis centre, we have installed a water treatment system which, under normal conditions, enables
us to achieve the standard of water quality required for diluting concentrated haemodialysis solutions. This
water treatment system has been designed and configured to process the average composition of water
that you supply.
The system consists of a softening plant and a reverse osmosis system. These components are capable of
removing all the water components harmful to patients found in drinking water.
We would like to ask you to inform us immediately if there are any changes in the composition of the water,
particularly about the use of any disinfectants such as chlorine, or dosing of any other chemicals, so that
we can take the necessary steps to protect our patients.
We would like to thank you in advance for your considerate cooperation.
Yours sincerely