LaserBit Giga Series 4.3 page
Alignment of the heads
Target Side B with the crosshair
built in to the head on Side A
Repeat the first step with Side
Power up the heads!
Screw the three nuts up tight on
both heads, which were used
for the head fastening, but be
careful that the heads do not
move out from its position!
Screw the two nuts up tight on
both heads, which are used for
the fixing the vertical direction,
but be careful that the heads do not move out from its position!
Meanings of the LEDs
The head is powered up.
There is enough light to start
communicate through the link.
Level LEDs:
The function of these10 green
LEDs is to give visual
information about the incoming
light efficiency
Installation LED:
It signs you have the biggest
amount of incoming light
efficiency which is still not
overloads the receiver
Overload (Overloading can cause stop in the communication, and permanently it can
damage the receiver)
After 15mW (or higher) incoming light efficiency