. . . Locking out password crackers
To lock out anyone who repeatedly tries to connect
using incorrect passwords:
1 Click the Security button on the LinkBar.
2 On the Lockout tab, check this box: Lock Out User after
Repeated Wrong Passwords.
3 In the Lock Out After This Many Wrong Passwords box,
click the number you want to allow before Lockout takes
The lower the number, the less the security risk.
4 Click OK.
Monitoring failed log-in attempts
Lockout is designed to monitor and control access accord-
ing to the log-in names in your Log-in List. A separate count
of failed attempts is kept for each log-in name; when a count
reaches your maximum (step 3 above), users can no longer
connect using that log-in name.
Beside the log-in names listed on the Lockout tab appear
numbers for the number of incorrect passwords. When a
count reaches the maximum, the log-in name is labeled
Locked Out
You can reset to zero the count for any or all of the log-in
names. This action also makes a locked out name usable
once again.
Unless a log-in name has been labeled
Locked Out,
its count is reset to zero automatically whenever a user
connects using that log-in name and the correct password.
For this reason, only consecutive failed attempts are
recorded permanently, not cumulative failed attempts.
To reset to zero the count for a single log-in name:
• Click the log-in name and click the Reset User button.
To reset to zero the count for all log-in names:
• Click the Reset All button.
Tips for more secure passwords
• Use at least six characters.
• Include letters (both lowercase1 and capitals), num-
bers, punctuation, and symbols.
• Avoid any words found in dictionaries. (Some pass-
word-cracking programs rely on dictionaries to guess
• Don’t make your passwords so complex or long that
you can’t remember them.
• Change your passwords at regular intervals.
• In order to gain access to your computer in LapLink, a
hacker would ALSO need LapLink installed and running
on their system, and would need to locate your LapLink
host, which is nearly impossible over the internet. If you
are using Laplink with a firewall or router, the hacker
would need to get around that security as well, before
they would be able to attempt to crack passwords. All of
this protection makes LapLink Gold Corporate very
1 Passwords for incoming connections from versions earlier
than LapLink 2000 are the exception. They must be all
capital letters.