Allowing incoming connections
s a safety precaution, LapLink’s default security setting is “Private System”. After you install LapLink,
you can connect to other computers, but other computers cannot open incoming connections to yours
except by cable or wireless. To allow incoming connections, you can change the security setting to “Public
System”. For more security, change the security setting to “Protected System” and create one or more
entries in the Log-in List. In each entry, specify the password and the log-in name the user must provide to
open an incoming connection, and grant the user permission to use services and other features.
The safest way to allow incoming connections is to set up
password-protection by creating entries in the Log-in List. If
you will be the only person to connect to this computer,
make a single Log-in List entry and grant yourself whatever
privileges you want. For other users, create separate entries
for each user or group of users according to privileges
Click Log-in List
Only (Protected
System) and then
click the Log-in List
Create an entry in
your Log-in List for
the remote user.