. . . Connecting automatically
Saving a connection
To save a connection:
1 Open one or more connections as usual.
2 On the Connect menu, click Save Connections.
3 In the File Name box, type a name to identify the connection
4 Click Save.
5 When asked whether you want a shortcut icon for this con-
nection on your Windows desktop, click Yes or No.
Restoring a saved connection
Once you have saved a connection, you can restore it three
• If you created a shortcut icon on your Windows desk-
top, double-click the icon.
• Set up LapLink to restore the connection when you run
LapLink again.
• Open the connection file while running LapLink.
To completely automate the connection process,
create entries in the Address Book for saved connections.
Include the log-in name and password required to open
each connection.
To set up LapLink to restore a saved connection when
you start the program:
1 On the Options menu, click Connect Options.
2 On the Startup tab, check this box: Restore Saved Connec-
tions at Startup.
3 Click the name of the connection file you want to open, or
type it in the Connection File box.
If the file does not appear in the list of files, click the
Browse button and locate the drive and folder containing
the file.
Connection files have the .LLC extension. In Win-
dows 95 and Windows 98, as well as Windows ME, they
are stored in the My Documents folder. In Windows NT,
they are stored in the \Profiles\
\Personal folder
within the Windows folder (where
is your Win-
dows NT logon name).
In WIndows 2000, XP and 2003, they are stored in
C:\Documents and Settings\
\My Documents.
4 If you want the connection restored without confirmation,
click Automatically Connect at Startup. Otherwise, click Ask
Before Connecting.
5 Click OK.
To open a saved connection while running LapLink:
1 On the Connect menu, click Restore Connections.
2 Click the name of the connection file you want to open, or
type it in the File Name box.
If the file does not appear in the list of files, locate the
appropriate drive in the Look In box; then double-click the
folder containing the file.
3 Click Open.