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User manual LAM1006 / LAM1007
If the burner accidentally goes out, turn the
control knob to the off position and try to light the
burner again after minimum 1 minute.
The spark generator can start automatically when
you switch on the mains, after installation or a
power cut. It is normal.
Turning off the burner
To put the fl ame out, turn the knob symbol
Always turn the fl ame down or
switch it off before you remove the pans of the
Energy savings
If possible, always put the lids on the pans.
When the liquid starts to boil, turn down the
fl ame to barely simmer the liquid.
Use pots and pans with diameter applicable to
the dimension of the burner.
Do not not use cooking vessels on the hotplate
that overlap its edges.
Diameter of cookware
220mm - 240mm
Front semi-rapid
180mm - 200mm
Rear semi-rapid
180mm - 200mm
120mm - 180mm
WARNING! Pots must not enter the control
WARNING! Make sure pot handles do not
protrude over the cookertop and that pots are
centrally positioned on the rings in order to
achieve maximum stability and to obtain a lower
gas consumption.
Do not place unstable or deformed pots on the
rings to prevent from spill and injury.
WARNING! Flame diffusers are not
Information on acrylamides
According to the newest scientifi c
knowledge, if you brown food (specially the one
which contains starch), acrylamides can pose a
health risk. Thus, we recommend that you cook at
the lowest temperatures and do not brown food
too much.
Flame failure device
In case of fl ame failures of the burners for any
reason, the fl ame failure sensor ‘A’ will cut off the
gas fl ow after a few seconds.
If this occurs, depress and turn the control knob
to the ignition position clockwise direction and
wait for ignition.
Keep the knob at pressed position for 3-5
seconds after you see the fl ame around the
Cooking with gas
The size of the pan and the size of the gas fl ame
should match each other. Adjust the gas fl ames so
that they do not go beyond the bottom of the pan
always place the pan onto the pan support in a
central position.