BL600-Sx Hardware Integration Guide
Single Mode BLE Module
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Europe: +44-1628-858-940
Hong Kong: +852-2923-0610
Note 9:
Hidden JTAG (2-wire interface), pin22 (SWDIO) and pin23 (SWDCLK). Used for upgrading
BASIC runtime engine FW only with Laird supplied J-link programmer. Using this hidden
JTAG requires 12K resistor to GND (on pin23 SWDCLK) for BL600-Sx-02 and BL600-Sx-03 on
customers host PCB and header connector Samtech FTSH-105-01-L-DV, refer to section
for details. 12K resistor is NOT required on customers host PCB
when using the BL600-Sx-04.
Note 10: Pull the nRESET pin (pin 22) low for minimum 100 mS in order for the BL600 to reset.
For BL600-Sx-02 or BL600-Sx-03: To ensure nReset functions properly, you MUST place a 12K
resistor to GND on BL600 pin 23 (NC/SWDCLK) on your host board.
For BL600-Sx-04: Do not fit a resistor to GND on BL600 pin 23 (NC/SWDCLK).
Note11: SPI CS is created by customer using any spare SIO pin within their
BASIC application script
allowing multi-dropping.
Note12: SIO_7 pin has to be pulled high externally to enable OTA (over the Air)
BASIC application
download. Refer to the latest FW release documentation for details.
Note13: User must ensure that SIO_7 and AutoRUN(SIO_28) are NOT BOTH HIGH (externally), otherwise
in that state the UART is bridged to Virtual Serial Port service and so the BL600 module will not
respond to AT commands and therefore cannot load
BASIC application scripts (applies to
all versions of the
BASIC runtime engine firmware.
BASIC runtime engine FW has DIO (Default Function) INPUT pins, have
by default PULL-UP enabled. This was done to avoid floating inputs (which can also cause
current consumption in low power modes (e.g. StandbyDoze) to drift with time. In any case
customer can disable the PUL-UP through their
BASIC application.
BASIC runtime engine FW versions before, the INPUT DIO pins
have NO pull-up or pull-down enabled and would require the customer to enable pull-up
BASIC application script.
All the SIO pins (with a default function of DIO are inputs – apart from SIO_21 and SIO_23,
which are outputs):
-SIO_21 (alternative function UART_TX) is an output, set high (in FW).
-SIO_23 (alternative function UART_RTS) is an output, set low (in FW).
-SIO_22 (alternative function UART_RX) is an input, set with internal pull-up (in FW).
-SIO_24 (alternative function UART_CTS) is an input, set with internal pull-down (in
-SIO_7 is an input, set with internal pull-down (in FW). It is used for over the air
downloading of
BASIC applications. Refer to the latest FW release documentation for