BL600-Sx Hardware Integration Guide
Single Mode BLE Module
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SIO_22 (alternative function UART_RX) is an input, set with internal weak pull-up (in FW). The pull-up
prevents the module from going into deep sleep when UART_RX line is idling.
SIO_24 (alternative function UART_CTS) is an input, set with internal weak pull-down (in FW). This
pull-down ensures the default state of the UART_CTS will be asserted which means can send data out
of the UART_TX line. In the case when UART_CTS is not connected (which we do not recommend).
nAutoRUN pin and operating mode selection
nAutoRUN pin needs to be externally held high or low to select between the two BL600 operating
modes at power-up:
- Self-contained Run mode (nAutoRUN pin held at 0V).
- Interactive / development mode (nAutoRUN pin held at VCC).
Make provision to allow operation in the required mode. Add jumper to allow nAutoRUN pin to be held
high or low (via 10K resistor) OR driven by host GPIO.
It is essential to remember that pull-up resistors on both I2C_SCL and I2C_SDA lines are not provided in
the BL600 module and MUST be provided external to the module as per I2C standard.
Implement SPI chip select using any unused SIO pin within your
BASIC application script then
SPI_CS is controlled from
BASIC application allowing multi-dropping.
SIO pin direction
BL600 modules shipped from production with
BASIC runtime engine FW, all SIO pins (with
“default function” of “DIO”) are mostly digital inputs (see Pin Definitions Table2). Remember to change
the direction SIO pin (in your
BASIC application script) if that particular pin is wired to a device that
expects to be driven by the BL600 SIO pin configured as an output. Also these SIO pins that are inputs
have by default (in FW) have internal pull-up or pull-down resistor-enabled (see Pin Definitions Table2),
since smart
BASIC runtime engine FW This was done to avoid floating inputs (which
can also cause current consumption in low power modes (e.g. StandbyDoze) to drift with time. In any
case customer can disable the PUL-UP through their
BASIC application.
BASIC runtime engine FW versions before, the INPUT DIO pins have NO
pull-up or pull-down enabled and would require the customer to enable pull-up through
application script.
Note: Internal pull-up, pull down will take current from VCC.
SIO_7 pin and Over the Air
BASIC application download feature
SIO_7 is an input, set with internal pull-down (in FW). Refer to latest FW release documentation on how
SIO_7 is used for Over the Air
BASIC application download feature. SIO_7 pin has to be pulled
high externally to enable the feature. Decide if this feature is required in production. When SIO_7 is
high, ensure SIO_28 (nAutoRun) is NOT high at same time, otherwise you cannot load the
application script.
nRESET pin (active low)
Hardware reset. Wire out to push button or drive by host.
By default module is out of reset when power applied to VCC pin.
For BL600-Sx-02 or BL600-Sx-03: To ensure nReset functions properly, you MUST place a 12K resistor to
GND on BL600 pin 23 (NC/SWDCLK) on your host board.
For BL600-Sx-04: Do not fit a resistor to GND on BL600 pin 23 (NC/SWDCLK).
50-Ohm RF track for interfacing with BL600-ST RF pin (pin 30)
BL600-ST brings out the RF on trace pad (pin 30) and this must be tracked to–RSMA connector using
50-Ohms track on host PCB (to stay with regulatory certifications). More details in Checklist for PCB
layout for BL600-ST.