Opening speed.
Max. 0,8 m/s per leaf.
Increasing the value will increase speed during the opening cycle.
Closing speed.
Max. 0,6 m/s per leaf.
Increasing the value will increase speed during the closing cycle.
Reduced opening distance during winter.
Min. 20 cm/leaf.
Adjustment of the reduced opening space as percentage of the free passage.
Motor thrust power
Adjustment of the motor thrust power during door movement. At maximum value the maximum motor thrust is obtained.
The automa on has a safety system that stops and reverses movement of the door if the power limit is exceeded.
Open door pausing me in the automa c work programs
Se ng values range between 0 (closing immediately a er opening) and 30 seconds.
Open door pausing me in the Night Lock work program
Se ng values range between 0 (closing immediately a er opening) and 30 seconds.
At the value 0% (default value) the func on is deac vated.
This parameter allows to set a pause me in Night Lock program higher than pause me set by parameter P5.
Accelera on ramp when opening
It sets the leaf accelera on phase during the opening cycle start.
Increasing the value will increase the leaf star ng accelera on during the opening cycle.
Decelera on ramp when opening
It sets the leaf decelera on phase of the door at the end of the opening cycle.
Increasing the value, a faster braking is achieved at the end of the opening cycle.
At the 0% value (recommended se ng) the braking control is automa c.
In this case the automa c door needs some maneuvers to stabilize the decelera on to the ideal value.
Decelera on star ng distance when opening
Increasing the value will increase the distance from the end of the stroke during opening at which the leaf proceeds at slow speed un l
the end of the stroke.
Decelera on star ng distance when closing
Increasing the value will increase the distance from the end of the stroke during closing at which the leaf proceeds at slow speed un l
the end of the stroke.
Motor thrust power at the end of the closing cycle
It sets the thrust power in the last phase of the closing cycle; this allows the leaf to more easily close on the final ledge.
Increasing the value will increase the thrust power.
Reac on me to the obstacle in closing
Adjustment of the pushing me against the obstacle during the closing cycle before the reversal of the movement.
Increasing the value increases the pushing me and decreases the sensi vity.
Reac on me to the obstacle during the slowing down phase in opening at slow speed
Adjustment of the pushing me against the obstacle during the opening cycle at slow speed before the reversal of the movement.
Increasing the value increases the pushing me and decreases the sensi vity.
Reac on me to the obstacle in opening
Adjustment of the pushing me against the obstacle during the opening cycle before the reversal of the movement.
Increasing the value increases the pushing me and decreases the sensi vity.
Thrust force in the presence of an obstacle or fric on of the door
Adjustment of the pushing force on the obstacle. Once the set limit is exceeded, the automa on reverses the movement.
A er removing the obstacle, in the next cycle the door searches the mechanical stop automa cally at slow speed.
Wind stop when the door is closed
It sets the intensity of the contrast force exerted by the motor, should anyone a empt to forcibly open the door.
Increasing the value will increase the intensity of the force contras ng the a empt to open the leaves.
Distance from the final closing ledge at which the door reopens if an obstacle is detected during the closing cycle
When decreasing this value to 0% the mo on direc on will be reversed if an obstacle is detected up to 5mm from the final closed door ledge
Below this distance the door stops and doesn't reopen.
Distance between the end of the leaf stroke during opening and the mechanical opening limit switch
Increasing the value will increase the distance between the leaf and the mechanical limit switch, with respect to the value stored during set-up.
Decreasing the value will decrease the distance between the leaf and the mechanical limit switch, with respect to the value stored during set-up.
Wai ng me between 2 consecu ve door crossing warning gongs
It sets the wai ng me elapsing between the gong buzzer ac va on as the person passes through the automa c door to its reac va on
as an other person passes, to prevent repeated consecu ve gongs. Please refer to the "Gong func on" paragraph.
Start delay when opening with respect to ac va on of electric lock
It sets the me a er which the door opens, since the issuing of the opening command and the ac va on of the electric lock.
When the parameter is set to 0% the leaf starts as soon as the electric lock is ac vated; when it is set to 100% the delay will be of 5