3. Release mode button.
4. Back inside the coach, use the normal control switch to
retract the room.
B. Manually push room in or out
1. Unplug both motors from circuit board. This release the
motor brake.
2. Push or pull slide room as desired. Larger rooms may
require several people to push. Be sure to keep both sides
3. When room is completely in, plug both motors back into the
circuit board to apply brake for road travel.
4. Room must be travel locked during travel time.
Any blinds with loose cords, such as mini-blinds CANNOT be installed in
bunks designed and built for young children. ALL shades MUST be in UP
position for travel to avoid lower metal holder being in contact with garnish
on window to avoid scratches.
Loose furniture, such as dinettes and free standing chairs, need to be
secured to prevent movement. Damage can be done during travel if
those items come in contact with walls, cabinets, supplies, etc.
Ladders - Exterior
A ladder is provided as an option, on most coaches, to climb onto the roof
areas. Ladders are rated to handle 200lbs at a time, when climbing onto
roof. Do not store articles on the ladder during travel. If you do so,
warranty will become void on the ladder.
Power Tongue Jack (optional)
Any Travel Trailer has the option to have installed, a power jack for the
front tongue. It is powered with 12-volt DC from battery, tow vehicle or
converter, providing you are hooked up 120-volt AC.
While traveling, all mini blinds need to be in the “UP” position
to avoid swinging and scratching the paneling, even with
brackets installed on the bottom of the window.
These individual tassel cords reduce the strangulation hazard
in the pull cord by removing the loop.
DO NOT tie the cords together. Check periodically to make
sure the cords have not twisted into a loop.
This device will not prevent strangulation hazard if young
children wrap pull cords around their necks. Always keep
cords out of the reach of young children.