frame section of lock and a standard lock in the handle. Both locks use
the same key.
Screen doors usually have a hook/lever type of latch. Pull lever downward
to release door.
Locks on all doors need a small quantity of silicone lubricant sprayed
internally two times per year to keep functioning correctly.
All doors are keyed alike.
TV Antenna
The TV Antenna has a rigid base to mount the receiver head which
cannot be rotated or raised up. Inside the coach, on the wall, is a power
supply with a brown cover where you hook-up to TV and Satellite. There
is an on/off button on the power supply to engage the booster, located
inside of the antenna head. This antenna also serves as a radio receiver
for the sound system in the coach. Location of this power supply is on
the wall, above the space for the TV, freestanding or wall mounted. It
could also be behind the TV or Possible on the ceiling, close to the TV