NetWare Configuration 4-12
4.3 Configuring the EcoLAN 2000E in NetWare
Directory Services
NetWare Directory Services (NDS) offers a different, more advanced approach to
network management than previous NetWare versions. Generally, it stores and tracks
all network objects. As a rule, all 4.x servers must have NDS loaded in order to
function. In this way, every NetWare 4.x server is a Directory server, because it
services named Directory objects such as printers, print servers and print queues. With
the appropriate privileges, you can create a print server object, which, once configured
in its context (or location) on the network, eliminates the cumbersome setup of print
servers on every network server. NDS provides true enterprise networking based on a
shared network database rather than a individually defined physical sites. The result is
greatly improved print server setup and management.
The Directory Information Base (DIB) is used to store information about servers and
services, users, printers, gateways, etc. It is a distributed database, allowing access to
data anywhere on the network wherever it is stored. Pre-4.x NetWare versions provide
the same data found in the DIB but the data is stored in the NetWare Bindery. The DIB
was designed with more flexible access, more specific security, and, since it is
distributed, it was designed to be partitioned. The Directory uses an object-oriented
structure rather than the flat-file structure of the Bindery, and offers network-oriented
access, rather than server-oriented access found in the Bindery.
The Directory is backward-compatible with the NetWare Bindery through Bindery
emulation mode. This section describes Print Server Operation with a 4.x NetWare
system in bindery emulation mode. When Bindery emulation is enabled, Directory
Services will accept Bindery requests and respond just as if a Bindery existed on the
NetWare server being accessed. Be aware that information obtained from the Bindery
query may not be stored in the server since the Directory is a partitioned and
distributed database. Even though the NetWare 4.x server is not operating from a
Bindery, the applications making Bindery requests will not know the difference.
You may use NWADMIN to configure the printer in NDS. Prior to printing, NDS must
be set up as follows and the EcoLAN 2000E must be set up with NDS Context and
Tree. See Section 4.4. The steps below describe the use of NWADMIN configuration
to create printer, print server, and print queue objects. Then, you will assign, or
associate those objects with each other. If you wish to keep Bindery resources on any
server, you can under NetWare 4.x if you declare a SET statement in your
AUTOEXEC.NCF file. Page 12 Wednesday, August 19, 1998 11:57 AM