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kvm-tec | 37
4. feaTUreS
4.1 MenU feaTUreS
Pressing the „
“ key or selecting the arrow keys, you will access the FEATURES menu, where
you can select all the functions and the features.
P- Point to point Mode on/off
S- Matrix Switching Mode
U- USb save feature
V-Uncompressed mode
M-Unlock features - redundant or uncompressed for Switching Systems
4. exTenDer feaTUreS
4.1.1 PoInT To PoInT
Pressing „P“ takes you to the point to point configuration. By default the Remote is directly
connected to the Local.
4.1.2 MaTrIx SWITchInG SYSTeM
Pressing „S“ takes you to the Matrix Switching System configuration.
If this function is active, the Multiview Commander and Mouse Glide functions are controlled
via the Switching Manager software (see Switching Manager manual).
All functions of the switching system can be controlled via the Switching Manager
software can be operated.
With this link you can download the Switching Manager Software Manual
downloaden: www.kvm-tec.com/en/support/manuals
4.1.3 USb SaVe feaTUre
Press „U“ to go to the USB SAVE FEATURE configuration.
With the activation, the intrusion of computer viruses can be prevented via USB-
mass storage can be prevented. Data from a connected USB mass storage device cannot
then be accessed.
4. exTenDer feaTUreS