34 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 35
3. MaIn MenU & SeTTInGS
3.4.6 VIDeo SYnc SeTTInGS
Pressing the „V“ button or selecting the arrow buttons selects the Video Sync Settings menu.
SCREEN „Video Sync Settings““
This feature can be used to determine the control loop for video synchronization.
The following modes can be used:
• HARD - key „H“
Rapid rate of regulation
• MEDIUM - „M“ button
Mean rate of regulation
• SMOOTH - „S“ button
Slow speed of regulation
3.4.7 MonITor PoWer SaVe MoDe
Power saving mode: The monitor turns off when no video signal is transmitted
SCREEN „Monitor Power dasve mode“
3. MaIn MenU & SeTTInGS