24 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 25
By pressing the „
“ key or by selecting the arrow keys, you access the status menu, where you will
find information about hardware and software versions, as well as the activated upgrades
The menu displays information about the connection, the resolution of the video channel and the
USB status.
current firmware
version is displayed in the upper left corner.
link status
indicates whether a connection is possible.
Video and USB display data transfer status
SCREEN „System Status“
3.2. feaTUreS MenU
Pressing the „F“ key or selecting the arrow keys will take you to the features menu, where you can
operate the activated features.
go to chapter 4 FEATURES
3. MaIn MenU & SeTTInGS
3.3 UPDaTe MenU
Display of firmware version
By pressing the „
“ key or by selecting the arrow keys, you reach the update menu, in which the
firmware of the Extender will be displayed and can be updated.
SCREEN „Update“
3. MaIn MenU & SeTTInGS