26 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 27
1. The current version of the firmware can be downloaded at http://www.kvm-tec.com/
support . Each update file contains a detailed description of the update process. For
further information please refer to the update chapter
2. Connect the USB stick to the CON (REMOTE) unit (wait a few seconds until the USB stick
is connected to the CON unit).
3. Open the update menu with the „
“ key.
4. Press „
to display this file
5. The firmware is displayed with „
Configuration found
6. Press „
“ to start the update on the Remote (CON) Unit
SCREEN „Update“
3. MaIn MenU & SeTTInGS
SCREEN „ Update“
The UPDATE process is now started and takes place in two steps:
1. Erasing flash: erases the memory
2. Updating: the new version is installed
3. MaIn MenU & SeTTInGS