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8 Monitoring the interface
Wireshark is a free analysis program for network communication connections. It
allows you to:
– Show data traffic across an Ethernet interface after or during capture in the
form of data packets,
– observe individually captured data packets,
– sort data packets according to specific contents,
– extract binary contents (e.g. images),
– create and work-up data flow statistics.
The free program library "WinPcap" permits the transparent capture of data traffic
under Microsoft Windows®.
You can use Wireshark on most standard systems. To analyze additional
information, however, we currently offer a plugin only for Windows.
Monitoring an interface with Wireshark
You have installed Wireshark. In the main window under "Capture", you will
see all identified Ethernet interfaces.
◦ Double-click to select the interface you want to monitor.
A status window opens. You will now see a recording of the data frame.
Monitoring the interface