GL6000, GL7000, GL9000, GL11000, WSM
(3) Cooling System
Fan Belt Tension
1. Measure the deflection
, depressing the belt halfway between
the fan drive pulley and alternator pulley at specified force 98 N
(10 kgf, 22 lbf).
2. If the measurement is not within the factory specifications, adjust
the tension adjustment screw.
Fan Belt Damage and Wear
1. Check the fan belt for damage.
2. If the fan belt is damaged, replace it.
3. Check if the fan belt is worn and sunk in the pulley groove.
4. If the fan belt is nearly worn out and deeply sunk in the pulley
groove, replace it.
Thermostat Valve Opening Temperature
1. Suspend the thermostat in the water by a string with its end
inserted between the valve and seat.
2. Heating the water gradually, read the temperature when the
valve opens and leaves the string.
3. Continue heating and read the temperature when the valve
opens approx. 8 mm (0.315 in.).
4. If the measurement is not within the factory specifications,
replace the thermostat.
Factory spec.
7.0 to 9.0 mm
0.28 to 0.35 in.
(A) Deflection
(A) Good
(B) Bad
Thermostat’s valve
opening temperature
Factory spec.
69.5 to 72.5 °C
157.1 to 162.5 °F
Temperature at which
thermostat completely
Factory spec.
85 °C
185 °F
KiSC issued 05, 2015 A