GL6000, GL7000, GL9000, GL11000, WSM
Checking Air Cleaner Element
1. Remove the air cleaner element.
2. Use clean dry compressed air on the inside of the element.
Pressure of compressed air must be under 205 kPa (2.1 kgf/cm
30 psi).
Maintain reasonable distance between the nozzle and the filter.
• The air cleaner uses a dry element. Never apply oil to it
• Be sure to refit the dust cup with arrow
(on the rear)
upright. If the dust cup is improperly fitted, dust passes by
the dust cup and directly adheres to the element.
• Do not run the engine with filter element removed.
• Change the element once a year or every 6th cleaning
Fan Belt Damage and Wear
1. Check the fan belt for damage.
2. If the fan belt is damaged, replace it.
3. Check if the fan belt is worn and sunk in the pulley groove.
4. If the fan belt is nearly worn out and deeply sunk in the pulley
groove, replace it.
Fan Belt Tension
1. Measure the deflection
, depressing the belt halfway between
the fan drive pulley and alternator pulley at specified force 98 N
(10 kgf, 22 lbf).
2. If the measurement is not within the factory specifications, loosen
the alternator mounting screws and relocate the alternator to
Checking Battery Electrolyte Level
1. Check the battery electrolyte level.
2. If the level is below than lower level line (2), add the distilled water
to pour level of each cell.
3. If the battery can not be charged even though the electrolyte level
is correct, replace the battery.
(A) Good
(B) Bad
Factory spec.
7.0 to 9.0 mm
0.28 to 0.35 in.
(A) Deflection
(1) Upper Level Line
(2) Lower Level Line
KiSC issued 05, 2015 A