KTR Kupplungstechnik
D-48407 Rheine
m o u n t i n g
i n s t r u c t i o n s
d e s i g n Z S - D K M a n d Z S - D K M - H
40224 E
14.07.06 Sha/At
Ersatz für:
ISO 16016 beachten. Geprüft:
07.08.06 Sha
Ersetzt durch:
5 Enclosure A
Hints and Instructions Regarding the Use in
Hazardous Areas
5.6 Starting
For covers with unlocked openings on the upper side no light metals may be used if the couplings are used as
appliances of appliance group ll (
if possible, from stainless steel
If the couplings are used in mining (appliance group l M2), the cover must not be made from light metal. In
addition, it must be resistant to higher mechanical loads than if it is used as appliance of appliance group ll.
The minimum distance of the protection device to the rotating parts must be at least 5mm.
If the protection device is used as cover, regular openings complying with the explosion protection demands can
be made that must not exceed the following dimensions:
form of the openings
circular openings
diameter in mm
rectangular openings
side length in mm
straight or bended slot
distance of the side limit
in mm
top surface of the covering
side parts of the covering
C A U T I O N !
If you note any irregularities at the coupling during operation, the drive unit must be turned
off immediately. The cause of the breakdown must be found out with the table
„Breakdowns“ and, if possible, be eliminated according to the proposals. The possible
breakdowns mentioned can be hints only. To find out the cause all operating factors and
machine components must be considered.
Coupling layer:
If coated (priming, painting etc.) couplings are used in hazardous areas, the requirements to
conductability and layer thickness must be considered. In case of paintings up to 200 µm no
electrostatic load can be expected. Multiple coatings that are thicker than 200 µm are prohibited
for explosion group llC.
5.7 Breakdowns, Causes and Elimination
The below-mentioned errors can lead to an incorrect use of the
coupling. In addition to the stipulations
in these operating and mounting instructions please make sure to avoid these errors.
The errors listed can only be clues to search for the errors. When searching for the error the adjacent
components must be generally included.
Due to incorrect use the coupling can become a source of ignition.
EC Standard 94/9/EC requires a special care from the manufacturer and the user.
General errors incorrect use
Important data for the coupling selection was not forwarded.
The calculation of the shaft/hub connection was not considered.
Coupling parts with damage occurred during transport are assembled.
If the heated hubs are assembled, the permissible temperature is exceeded.
The fits of the parts to be assembled are not coordinated with each other.
Tightening torques are below/exceeded.
Components are exchanged by mistake/put together incorrectly.
A wrong or no spider is inserted into the coupling.