KTR Kupplungstechnik
D-48407 Rheine
m o u n t i n g
i n s t r u c t i o n s
d e s i g n Z S - D K M a n d Z S - D K M - H
40224 E
14.07.06 Sha/At
Ersatz für:
ISO 16016 beachten. Geprüft:
07.08.06 Sha
Ersetzt durch:
4 Assembly
4.5 Assembly of the Design ZS-DKM3
Put the driving flanges, the spiders and the DKM-middle piece spec. together (see picture 12).
Put the assembled part between the coupling flanges (see picture 13).
At first hand-screw the parts.The screws have to be tightened with a suitable torque wrench to the tightening
torques T
indicated in table 2.
Center the spiders between the driving flanges and the DKM-middle piece spec. and check the dimension E
and s (see picture 2 and table 2).
picture 12: assembly of the driving flanges,
spiders and DKM-middle piece spec.
picture 13: assembly of subassembly
4.6 Assembly of the Design ZS-DKM-H
Remove the shells from the hub body (see picture 14).
Fit the hub body together with the spiders and the DKM-H-middle piece (see picture 15).
Assemble the fitted unit with the shells and the clamping screws to the shaft ends of driving and driven
machine (see picture 16).
Initially screw up the parts finger-tight so that the hub bodies fit closely to the shaft with the shells.
Shift the clamping hubs DH in axial direction until the dimension L mentioned in table 3 is realized.
Secure the clamping hubs DH by tightening the clamping screws reciprocally. Tighten the screws to the
tightening torques T
mentioned in table 3 by means of a suitable dynamometric screwdriver.
Center the spiders between the clamping hubs DH and the DKM-H-middle piece and check the dimension E
and s (see picture 3 and table 3).
picture 14: disassembly of shells
picture 15: assembly of hub bodies, spiders and DKM-H-middle piece