KTR Kupplungstechnik
D-48407 Rheine
m o u n t i n g
i n s t r u c t i o n s
d e s i g n Z S - D K M a n d Z S - D K M - H
40224 E
14.07.06 Sha/At
Ersatz für:
ISO 16016 beachten. Geprüft:
07.08.06 Sha
Ersetzt durch:
4 Assembly
4.6 Assembly of the Design ZS-DKM-H
picture 16: assembly the subassembly onto the shafts
4.7 Displacements - Alignment of the Couplings
The displacement figures shown in tables 5 and 6 offer sufficient safety to compensate for environmental
influences like, for example, heat expansion.
C A U T I O N !
In order to ensure a long lifetime of the coupling and to avoid dangers regarding the use in
hazardous areas, the shaft ends must be accurately aligned.
Please absolutely observe the displacement figures indicated (see tables 5 and 6). If the
figures are exceeded, the coupling is damaged.
The exacter the alignment of the coupling, the higher is its lifetime.
In case of a use in hazardous areas for the explosion group IIC (marking II 2GD c IIC T X),
only the half displacement figures (see tables 5 and 6) are permissible.
Please note:
The displacement figures mentioned in tables 5 and 6 are maximum figures which must not arise in parallel. If
radial and angular displacement arises at the same time, the permissible displacement values may only be
used in part (see picture 18).
Please check with a dial gauge, ruler or feeler whether the permissible displacement figures of tables 5 and 6
can be observed.
angular displacements
axial displacements
radial displacements
picture 17: displacements
Example for displacements
of the ZS-DKM1.