ID.: 17-16-20-2976-06 | 6.2017
5 Installation of the device
The lowest ceiling height in the room with the heat pump WP2 LF202S is 1900 mm; with the
heat pump WP2 LF-302S it is 2200 mm. The device is designed to take the heat from the
surrounding air or suck the air through air channels and blow it into the adjoining rooms or
surroundings. The device can be installed in the following ways:
Picture 1: Drawing air from the adjoining room and releasing it back into it (i.e. drying clothes).
Picture 2: Drawing air from the same room and releasing it back into it.
Picture 3: Drawing air from the adjoining room and releasing it back into it (i.e. pantry cooling).
Picture 4: Drawing air from the adjoining room and releasing it into the surroundings.