ID.: 17-16-20-2976-06 | 6.2017
Ensure regular inspections and maintenance of the device by the authorised
maintenance worker.
These instructions for installation and use must be kept in a suitable dry place close to
the device.
2.8 Factory testing
For ensuring the high quality standard, every device is tested in production for the following:
Tightness of the cooling cycle.
Electrical safety.
2.9 Storage
The device has to be stored in a dry and clean place. The allowed storing temperature is
between 10 °C and 45 °C, for a short period (up to 24h) also up to 55 °C.
2.10 Transport
The device packed in a cardboard packaging can be transported in the vertical or horizontal
position. In a horizontal position, the device can only be tilted to the right (seen from the front
side) as defined on the cardboard packaging.
Horizontal transport in the cardboard packaging is allowed only up to a distance of
150 km.
If the device is transported without a cardboard packaging, it has to be properly protected.
When transporting the device in horizontal position, the device can be tilted to the side, as
marked on the picture: