Maintenance - hydraulic system
Pos : 40.33. 11.1 /Ü bersc hrift en/Ü bersc hrift en 2/F-J/H ochdruc kfilt er @ 26\ mod_1245836423991_78.doc @ 264126 @ 2 @ 1
High-pressure filter
Pos : 40.33. 11.2 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/Mit tel druc kfilter optisc he Versc hmutzungsanz eige @ 32\ mod_1253092558858_78. doc @ 309853 @ @ 1
The filter takes up depositions of solid particles of the hydraulic system. The filtering of the
hydraulic circuit serves as a prevention of damages on components of the circuit. The filter is
equipped with an optical contamination indicator (7). The contamination indicator (7) informs
optical about the degree of contamination of the filter
Pos : 40.33. 11.3 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/Hi nweis Versc hmut zungsanz eige vor j edem Arbeits eins atz kontr ollieren @ 32\ mod_1253093743968_78. doc @ 310077 @ @ 1
Check the contamination indicator before the machine is used and exchange the contaminated
filter element if necessary.
Pos : 40.33. 11.4 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/ Wann muss er Filt er gewec hsel t werden @ 33\ mod_1254315575151_78. doc @ 318964 @ @ 1
When starting in cold condition the button on the contamination indicator (7) could hop out. Only
press the button back in after achieving the operating temperature. In case it immediately hops
out again, the filter element needs to be changed.
Pos : 40.33. 11.5 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/H oc hdr uc kfilt er bei Komfor t_H ydrauli k Bild_Swadro 2000 @ 38\mod_1266398479970_78.doc @ 352377 @ @ 1
Fig. 160
Pos : 40.33. 11.6 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/Filt erel ement wec hs eln @ 26\ mod_1245841608710_78.doc @ 264205 @ @ 1
Replacing the Filter Element
Pos : 40.33. 11.7 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/ Ort H ochdruc kfilt erH ydr auli kkr eislauf Swadr o 2000 @ 38\ mod_1266399405533_78.doc @ 352429 @ @ 1
The filter (6) of the hydraulic circuit is at the front on the left side of the machine close to the
connection of the main drive PTO shaft.
Pos : 40.33. 11.8 / BA/ Wart ung/U mwelt/Hi nweis Ents orgen / Lager n von Öl e und Ölfilt er U mwelt @ 32\ mod_1253101375171_78. doc @ 311770 @ @ 1
ENVIRONMENT! - Disposal and storage of used lubricants and oil filters
Effect: Environmental damage
Store or dispose used oil and oil filters according to statutory provisions.
Pos : 40.33. 11.9 / BA/ Wart ung/H oc hdr uc kfilt er/Mit tel druc kfilter element wec hsel n( mit Versc hmutz ungs anz eige) Text @ 32\mod_1253779162271_78.doc @ 316939 @ @ 1
Relieve all pressure from the hydraulic system.
Screw bottom of the filter (4) off the filter head piece (1) and clean it
Remove the filter element (3) and replace by a new filter element with identical
Push a new filter element (3) onto the valve sleeve (5)
Check the O-ring seal (2) and replace it, if necessary, by O-ring seal with identical
Screw bottom of the filter (4) back onto the filter head piece
Charge the hydraulic system with pressure and check for leaks
Pos : 40.34 / BA/-----Seit enumbruc h------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0. doc @ 4165 @ @ 1
Summary of Contents for Swadro 2000
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