Pos : 9. 12.1 /Übersc hrift en/Übersc hrift en 2/ A-E/Besti mmungsgemäß er G ebrauch @ 0\ mod_1196401545090_78.doc @ 7728 @ 2 @ 1
Intended Use
Pos : 9. 12.2 /BA/ Einl eit ung/ Bes ti mmungsgemäßer Gebrauc h/ Sc hwader /Besti mmungsgemäß er G ebr auch Sc hwader @ 1\ mod_1202215704310_78. doc @ 57818 @ @ 1
The rotary rake is built exclusively for conventionaluse in agricultural work (intended use).
Pos : 9. 12.3 /BA/ Einl eit ung/ Bes ti mmungsgemäßer Gebrauc h/Nic ht besti mmungs g emäss @ 0\mod_1196401324340_78.doc @ 7690 @ @ 1
Any use of the machine for other purposes is deemed not to be in accordance with intended
use. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any resulting damage; the user alone shall bear
the risk.
Operation in accordance with intended use also includes observing the operating, maintenance
and service instructions specified by the manufacturer.
Unauthorised modifications to the machine may affect the properties of the machine or disrupt
proper operation. For this reason, unauthorised modifications shall exclude any liability of the
manufacturer for consequential damage.
Pos : 9. 13 /BA/ Einl eit ung/T ec hnis che D at en/Straß enver kehrs ordnung und Betriebs erlaubnis @ 23\ mod_1240466538925_78.doc @ 240335 @ 2 @ 1
Road traffic regulations and operating permits
Each country has its own road traffic regulations. If the manufacturer's data deviates from the
road traffic regulations of the country in which the machine is operated, the applicable
regulations in the relevant country must be observed.
Pos : 9. 14 /BA/ Einl eit ung/T ec hnis che D at en/Sc hwader/Hinweis Ü berllänge @ 23\ mod_1240466206378_78.doc @ 240311 @ @ 1
Due to the excessive length of the machine, you must apply for special approval as per
Section 70 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) for Germany.
Pos : 9. 15 /BA/ Einl eit ung/T ec hnis che D at en/Hinweis Straß enf ahrt : die Höhe von 4 m darf nic ht übersc hritt en wer den @ 36\ mod_1260353468848_78. doc @ 336425 @ @ 1
Road travel is only permitted with the swivelled rotary arms in transport position. The max.
height of 4 m must not be exceeded.
Pos : 9. 16 /BA/-----Seit enumbruch------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0. doc @ 4165 @ @ 1
Summary of Contents for Swadro 2000
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