Pos: 59.66 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/K-O/Ölstandskontrolle und Ölwechsel an den Getrieben @ 75\mod_1309423338331_78.docx @ 663068 @ 22 @ 1
Oil Level Check and Oil Change on the Gearboxes
Pos: 59.67 /BA/Wartung/Hinweis Ölsorte nicht mischen. @ 10\mod_1222334992520_78.docx @ 140501 @ @ 1
Note! - Do not mix different types of oil.
Effect: Damage to the machine
Never mix different types of oil.
Before changing the type of oil, consult customer service. Never use engine oil.
Pos: 59.68 /BA/Wartung/Umwelt/Hinweis Entsorgen / Lagern von Öle und Ölfilter Umwelt @ 32\mod_1253101375171_78.docx @ 311770 @ @ 1
ENVIRONMENT! - Disposal and storage of used lubricants and oil filters
Effect: Environmental damage
Store or dispose used oil and oil filters according to statutory provisions.
Pos: 59.69 /BA/Wartung/Zeitintervalle an den Getrieben VP @ 34\mod_1256043674643_78.docx @ 325545 @ 33 @ 1
Oil Level Check and Oil Change Intervals (Gearboxes)
Note - oil level check and oil change (gearboxes) and lubricating the machine
Effect: Long expected service life of machine
Oil change on all gearboxes after 30 to 50 operating hours and then after every season.
Oil level check each time before using and no later than after about 500 pressed round
Compliance with the changing intervals is absolutely essential for bio-degradable oils
because of ageing of the oils.
Pos: 59.70 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/F-J/Füllmengen und Schmiermittelbezeichnungen der Getriebe @ 33\mod_1254230622207_78.docx @ 318675 @ 33 @ 1
Filling Quantities and Lubrication Designations for Gearboxes
Pos: 59.71 /BA/Wartung/Tabellen_Füllmengen/Rundballenpressen/Tabelle Füllmengen CF/CV @ 75\mod_1309422881592_78.docx @ 663040 @ @ 1
Filtered oils
Brand name
Brand name
Main gearbox
0.7 l
On request
Slip-on gear
0.5 l
Gearbox on wrapping
1.0 l
Fluid gear grease GFO 35
(permanently lubricated with grease)
Pos: 59.72 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Summary of Contents for Comprima CF 155 XC
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