Manual OPTISENS AAM 1050
P / PI controller as pulse-pause controller
Main menu
Set points and
controller versions
Set points
Set point S1
You can choose
1.50 mg/l
Controller settings
different controller
P range S1
Pulse-Freq. S1
versions for S1 and S2.
0.20 mg/l
Integral time S1
Pulse-Freq. S2
000 sec.
Set point S2
Direction S1
0.50 mg/l
P range S2
Direction S2
0.20 mg/l
Integral time S2
000 sec.
Pulse + Pause
The pulse+pause time
Basic settings
10 s
must be at least twice
Basic settings
Least Pulse
as long as the least
Contr. settings
0.1 s
Pulse time.
For a pulse-pause controller you have to set the following parameters:
1) Set points S1 and S2
S1 refers to relay 1, S2 refers to relay 2.
2) P range and integral action time
Adjust a P range > 0. For a P controller set integral time = 0, for a PI controller set an integral time > 0.
3) Pulse-frequencies for S1 and S2
Both frequencies must be set to 00, otherwise the controller will act as an impulse-frequency controller.
4) The acting direction for S1 and S2
Select „raise“ if the dosage raises the measured value.
Select „lower“ if the dosage lowers the measured value.
5) Pulse + pause time
Define a period of time during which the relay is proportionally to the control deviation ON (pulse) or OFF
(pause), respectively.
6) Least pulse time
Set a minimum pulse time that the relay has to at least remain open to allow the actuator to react.