Manual OPTISENS AAM 1050
Activation and deactivation of the controller
The controller is activated and deactivated from the main display without any menus. Press key
to switch
from Manual Mode (controller OFF) to Automatic Mode (controller ON) and vice versa. The actual mode is
indicated in the display.
Make sure that the controller is deactivated before connecting dosing pumps or other actuators!
Main menu
Basic settings
Basic settings
Turn-on delay
Turn-on delay
Turn-on delay
180 s
Turn-on delay
Dig. Input
Dig. input
Dig. input
Dig. input
Turn-on delay
Set a delay time which has to pass before the controller is activated after start-up or power interrupt. This
allows the measurement to settle and prevents inappropriate dosage of chemicals.
External controller stop
You can activate or deactivate the controller with an external switch by using the digital input. This feature
can also be used as low water indication. Just connect a level or flow sensor to the digital input. At works, the
input ist NO (normally open). You can switch to NC (normally closed) in the basic settings
With selection NO, the controller stops whenever the digital input is closed, with NC, it stops whenever the
input is opened.
As long as that is the case, the message “external controller stop“ is displayed.
This feature is also used as low water indication. The flow monitor is connected to the digital input. However,
it can still be used as an external switch - the controller stops as soon as either the flow monitor or the
external switch close the digital input.
If you get the message „external controller stop“ even though the flow sensor indicates a sufficient water
flow, please check under „basic settings“ that „Flow alarm“ is set to „contact“ and not to „flow“.