Manual OPTISENS AAM 1050
Operation and maintenance
Commissioning and re-commissioning
Follow the instructions of this manual. Carry out all steps described. Check both the measured
values and the settings before you activate the controller.
Maintenance of the device
The device does not require any maintenance. There is no need for readjustment. If you want to have the
device checked regularly, you are welcome to send it to KROHNE Water Solutions. Alternatively the device
can be checked on site by one of our engineers.
Display contrast
With devices in wall-mounting enclosures the display contrast can be adjusted to the actual light conditions
by means of a potentiometer. It is indicated in the connection diagram with the word „display“.
Exchange fuse
Devices in wall-mounting enclosures have an internal fuse which has to be replaced at need. You will find a
spare fuse fixed to the inside of the terminal cover. Information on the fuse can be found in the chapter
„Technical data“.
To exchange the fuse, open the front carefully. The fuse is located on the right hand side. It is kept in place
by a Bayonet lock. Turn the lock to the left until the fuse pops up. Exchange it and fix the new fuse by turning
the lock to the right. Put the front back on and fix it tightly.
Disconnect the power supply before opening the device!
Mind that the cable connections to the front are not damaged, broken or torn during the process!
The front and the display should not get in touch with organic solutions such as methanol. Never let water
get inside the device. We suggest to simply use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Maintenance of the safety functions
Regularly check the alarm relay to make sure that in case of failure both the indication by the instrument and
the recognition by the superior control (SPS etc.) work reliably.
You can set off the alarm for example by setting limit S1 to a value smaller than the current measured value.
Please mind that perhaps an alarm delay has been set. Also remember to restore the original settings after
the test!
Regularly check the function of the flow monitor to make sure that in case of a low water situation the sensor
gives the signal that leads to the controller stop.
Simulate lack of water by briefly interrupting the water supply. This must lead to a sinking of the flow monitor,
and the message „ext. controller stop“ or „no water“ must appear in the display.