Controlling the VP-725DSA Presentation Switcher / Scaler
51 Choosing Advanced Utility Settings
Figure 52 and Table 19 define the Advanced Utility screen.
Figure 52: Advanced Utility Screen
Table 19: Advanced Utility Screen Features
Input Button
You can set the function of the input button besides selecting the input
signal: Freeze/Blank (press the selected input button once to freeze the
frame, press again to create a blank screen and again to return to normal
state); Freeze (press once to freeze the frame, press again to cancel
freeze); Blank (press once to insert blank screen, press again to return to
display); Ignore (input button ignores freeze and blank – you can freeze
the frame or insert a blank screen only via the Freeze and Blank buttons
User Define Measure Measures and displays the parameters of the currently selected input (see
Figure 52 and Table 20)
Table 20 describes the User Define Measure features.
Table 20: User Define Measure Features
User Mode Setting Definitions
H Total
Horizontal Total
H Start
Horizontal active start point
H Active
Horizontal active region
V Start
Vertical active start point
V Active
Vertical active region
Ch. Pump
Charge pump current
Color format
H Freq
Horizontal Frequency
V Freq
Vertical Frequency
Measure Mode Select between Default and User Define