This assembly will describe always left side of the plane when it comes to symmetric parts. It is
recommended to use medium viscosity CA glue. You can use CA glue accelerator for faster curing
time. Dry fit all the parts before gluing them together.
Assembly left wing as sketched above.
You have an option here to use default servo mounts for Hitec HS-65 series servos (or other with
similar dimensions) or to customize included generic servo mounts. Don't forget to insert servo
mounts into wing_L_1 part when leading spars through.
Both main wing spars (main_wing_spar_6x4_454) should be aligned flush with base of wing_L_0
part. Back wing spar (back_wing_spar_2x1_245) should protrude 0.5 cm. It's purpose is to fix back
side of the wing on the fuselage and also to protect wing hook during transportation.
Do not forget to center your servos before gluing them in. Check also that your clevises fit servo
arm holes, drilling them when servo is in place could damage the wing. Lead servo cable through
the wing. The servo cable should come out of the wing near leading edge to meet servo cable hole
in the fuselage.
When all the parts are on their position, put glue on contact points where carbon spars are touching
printed parts.