Parts choices
For some parts there are more options and it is up to you what you will choose depending on your
preferences. All options can be found in Options directory.
Choices based on hinge. You can use two kinds of hinges, both have same length and width
(roughly 28mm x 16 mm) but thickness is where they differ. European style is 1.2mm thick and Du-
Bro 117 is roughly 0.3 inch thick:
parts in main directory have slots for European hinge
parts under Options directory ending with suffix _dubro.STL have slots for Du-Bro 117
standard hinges
Choices based on wheel size:
shoe_L.STL and shoe_R.STL will accommodate 45mm wheel
shoe_L_50mm.STL and shoe_R_50mm.STL from Options directory will accommodate
50mm wheel
Choices for motor mount. In first version of Maripi files part fuse_0_SK3_35xx.STL had some
design issues that caused firewall breaking and complete motor separation from the fuselage after
rough landing or after longer use due to the motor vibrations. In version 1.1 this part was improved.
Namely carbon spars are protruding more into firewall and some small fillets were added. This fix
was still not good enough. That is why I improved it much more in this version. I added more fillets
on all critical places. Air inlets are much smaller and moved away from motor mount holes to
prevent cracks around motor screws. Also motor mount screw holes have now smaller countersink.
Despite all my changes some of you felt that it is still now enough and that is why added heavy duty
version of fuse_0 with thicker firewall and no countersinks for motor screws:
fuse_0_SK3_35xx.STL in main directory is strong enough to withstand serious abuse
fuse_0_SK3_35xx_heavy_duty.STL is even stronger but requires you to use your own
longer screws with flat bottom.
Choices based on servo in the wing:
servo_mount_wing_[position]: will fit Hitec HS-65 (mg or hb) servo
A = 2 mm, B = 24 mm, C = 32.5 mm, D = 11.6 mm, E = 17 mm
servo_mount_wing_generic_[position]: there are included both STL
and STEP file, you can customize it in software or manually after the
mount is printed out
Choices based on servo in the fuselage:
servo_plate_hs_65: will fit Hitec HS-65 (mg or hb) servo A = 2 mm, B = 24 mm, C = 32.5
mm, D = 11.6 mm, E = 17 mm
servo_plate_generic: there are included both STL and STEP file, you can customize it in
software or manually after the plate is printed out