January 1998
Specifying port information, 1–31
Spots in prints, 4–5
Static discharge, B–2
paper, 3–4
prints, 1–38
ribbon, 3–3
supplies, 3–3
Streaks in prints, 4–5
Supplies, 3–1
handling, 1–16
ordering, 3–1
storing, 3–3
TCP/IP connection
printer modes for, vi
specifying information through the display panel, 1–33
Telephone numbers, for helplines, 4–18
Television reception, interference with, vii, viii
Temperature, A–1
Test print, 1–28, 1–35
Thermal head, 1–8
cleaning, 1–13
alternate method, 4–9
cleaning pads, 3–1
Troubleshooting, 4–1, 4–4
Turning on the printer, 1–7, 1–24