Simple Maintenance
6. Screw it in securely and connect the plug into the appropriate
7. Replace the lamp replacement cover and tighten the screw .
8. Switch the detector on again and check the integration time.
Fig. 36
Lamp replacement cover (2: deuterium lamp, 3: halogen lamp)
When a new lamp is installed, it takes about 24 hours to reach the
optimum working conditions
Cleaning the flow cell
Noisy baselines and low sensitivities may be due to a dirty flow cell. This
may also be indicated by a high integration time when flushing the cell
with pure solvent. In most cases it is sufficient to purge the flow cell
according to the following SOP.
SOP 10 Purging the Flow Cell
1. Purge the flow cell using one of following solvents: sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS), 1M HCl, 1M NaOH, ethanol, or acetone.
2. Run the solvent through the flow cell using a syringe and leave it in
the cell for approximately 5 minutes.
3. Rinse extensively with water and then blow dry using a gentle stream
of pure nitrogen.
Never dry with compressed air from a “house” line as this will
contain microdroplets of oil that will coat the cell.
When the cell is not in use, disconnect the flow cell and clean out
traces of salt and protein with a syringe filled with distilled water.
Before storing the flow cell, inject a dilute solution (10-25%) of
ethanol or isopropanol to prevent microbial growth.
In case flow cell purging does not provide sufficient success, all flow cells
can easily be disassembled for cleaning the lenses in an ultrasonic bath,
for example.