Software Control of the PDA Detector 2800
Settings and Initial Tests
Double click on the instrument in the ChromGate
main window.
Fig. 18
Instrument Setup
When the Instrument is opened by double clicking on it’s icon,
initializes the Smartline PDA Detector 2800 and switches on
the lamp(s). The Error LED goes off.
(The D
lamp first needs about 20 seconds warm up time)
In the Instrument Setup menu (accessible via Method / Instrument Setup)
the method’s main settings can be selected.
Time constant: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 sec (default: 0.1 sec)
Sampling: 0.5, 1, 2, 5 Hz (default: 1 Hz)
Run Time: (default: 10 Min)
Acquisition Delay: (default: 0 min)
Channel: up to four separate channels can be activated for data
acquisition (default: one channel)
Bandwidth: for each channel bandwidth can be set separately
(default: 1 nm, recommended: 8 nm)
Detector (Time) Program: for every channel the wavelength can
be programmed separately – the entered wavelengths must be
within the scan range
Scan (If the PDA option is activated): Start, End and Bandwidth
can be chosen within the shown range (e.g. 190-1025 nm –
default: 200-500 nm)
Bandwidth: (default: 1 nm, recommended: 1 nm)
Signal Mode: Absorption / Intensity (default: absorption)
Acquire 3D data: If this option is not activated only the selected
channels will be recorded – spectra will not be recorded
Analog output scale: Here you can select which absorption
should represent 10 V output signal on both analog outputs
Autozero at wavelength change: Here you can decide whether an
autozero should be performed when the wavelength is changed