KMS Fuel/FA23 manual
Version 3.01
Software installation
The software is supplied together with the system, on a CD-ROM. Installing the software is very
easy. The CD-ROM carries the KMS installation program, which launches automatically when the CD
is inserted.
The program KMS FIRMWARE DOWNLOADER can be used to update the ECU. When there are new
options available, they can be downloaded as a file from our website. With the firmware
downloader this file can be sent to the ECU. (It’s only possible to use this firmware downloader if
you have an KMS ECU with serial nr. higher then 300000)
Once installed, the program is set to work via communication port COM1. If this port is already
being used or not available, another communication port can be used. For the procedure to change
the communication port, see
(USB connections have the most various numbers of communication ports, so make sure you’ve got
the communication port right. For settings and finding the right communication port check