KLAXON Mobility Gmbh – ENG
KLICK Hybrid User's Manual (ENG) - rev.01 of 30.06.2018
B. HYBRID mode
Having installed the device and turned on the display, when the cranks are turned forwards, the wheelchair will begin to move
(Figure 27). According to the forward speed selected (which will determine the percentage of electric power assistance – see
Paragraph 11.2), the motor will sense the forward movement of the cranks (with a delay of half a revolution with respect to their
rest position) and will be activated accordingly, moving the wheel with electric power assistance. Whenever the cranks stop
moving or are turned in the opposite direction (backwards), the motor will be deactivated automatically after 1 second.
Figure 28 illustrates the operation of the manual transmission used to change the ratio with the wheel; this modifies the gear
ratio in a range from 1 (the highest – for moving uphill and starting after a stop) to 9 (the lowest – suitable for flat and downhill
sections). The ratio selected at that time can be seen through a mechanical indicator set on the top of the gearbox. Its operation
is determined as follows:
Pushing the lever with your thumb (1), the ratio will increase (from 1 to 9)
Pulling the lever (2) towards you with the index finger, the ratio will decrease (from 9 to 1).
The selection of the manual gear ratio does not change the degree of assistance of the electric motor; the two systems coexist
autonomously and it is the user who decides at his own discretion (on the basis of his capabilities, the route to be followed, etc.)
which level to select for both. We suggest that high ratios (over number 4) should never be used to start moving, in that the force
applied to the cranks could tension the chain excessively and consequently the toothed wheels present on the wheel and
To stop the device, activate the brake lever (Figure 26); The KLICK brake has an additional safety mechanism to deactivate the
motor when the lever is activated.
Before use, check that the chain is correctly tensioned; move your finger to a point half way between the
crown and the return on the selector fork and press it to the right and to the left. These oscillations must
be less than 2 centimeters wide.
For obstacles, drops and all other kinds of hazards not situated at a safe distance, turn off the KLICK device
and move the wheelchair to a safe place.
C. MANUAL mode
Having installed the device, keeping the display turned off or selecting the speed “0”, it will start to move when the cranks are
turned forwards (Figure 27). Figure 28 illustrates the operation of the manual transmission used to change the ratio with the
wheel; this modifies the gear ratio in a range from 1 (the lowest – for moving uphill and starting after a stop) to 9 (the highest –
suitable for flat and downhill sections). The ratio selected at that time can be seen through a mechanical indicator set on the top
of the gearbox. Its operation is determined as follows:
Pushing the lever with your thumb (1), the ratio will increase (from 1 to 9)
Pulling the lever (2) towards you with your index finger, the ratio will decrease (from 9 to 1).
The selection of the manual gear ratio does not change the degree of assistance of the electric motor; the two systems coexist
autonomously and it is the user who decides at his own discretion (on the basis of his capabilities, the route to be followed, etc.)
which level to select for both. We suggest that high ratios (over number 4) should never be used to start moving, in that the force
applied to the cranks could tension the chain excessively and consequently the toothed wheels present on the wheel and
To stop the device, pull the brake lever (Figure 26); The KLICK brake has an additional safety mechanism to deactivate the motor
when the lever is activated.
Before use, check that the chain is correctly tensioned; move your finger to a point half way between the
crown and the return on the selector fork and press it to the right and to the left. These oscillations must
be less than 2 centimetres wide.
For obstacles, drops and all other kinds of hazardous not situated at a safe distance, turn off the KLICK
device and move the wheelchair to a safe place.
To do this correctly, carefully follow the following instructions .
Stop the wheelchair on a flat surface.
Activate the brakes of the wheelchair.
Turn off the display, by pressing the “
” key and holding it down for 5 seconds.
Grip the centre of the handlebar, push it forwards and press the release button on the STANDARD CONNECTOR with your
other hand at the same time. This will release the lower pin of the KLICK coupling (Figure 29).
Reduce the pressure applied to the handlebar while holding the release button on the CONNECTOR pressed, so as to lower
the wheelchair and bring the front wheels back down onto the ground (Figure 30).