Table 1.0 Command ID
Data Byte
Data Type
Byte details
7 ------- 0
Data Details
$67 (103) LFO2 Control
z =
LFO2 Mode (0=Normal,1=Plus)
xxxxx= 00000-Free Running
00001-Sync Two Notes (192 Clocks/Step)
00010-Sync Dotted Whole Note (144 Clocks/Step)
00011-Sync Whole Note (96 Clocks/Step)
00100-Sync Dotted Half Note (72 Clocks/Step)
00101-Sync Half Note (48 Clocks/Step)
00110-Sync Dotted 1/4 Note (36 Clocks/Step)
00111-Sync Quarter note (24 Clocks/Step)
01000-Sync Dotted 1/8 Note (18 Clocks/Step)
01001-Sync 1/4 Note Triplets (16 Clocks/Step)
01010-Sync 8th note (12 Clocks/Step)
01011-Sync 8th note triplets (8 Clocks/Step)
01100-Sync 16th note (6 Clocks/Step)
01101-Sync 16th note triplets (4 Clocks/Step)
01110-Sync 32nd note (3 Clocks/Step)
01111-Sync 32nd note triplets (2 Clocks/Step)
10000-Sync 64th note triplets (1 Clocks/Step)
Sync source is Master Clock
$68 (104) Seq Clock Divide
0000-Half Note (48 Clocks/Step)
0001-Quarter note (24 Clocks/Step)
0010-8th note (12 Clocks/Step)
0011-8th note, half swing (14,10 Clocks/Step)
0100-8th note, full swing (16,8 Clocks/Step)
0101-8th note triplets (8 Clocks/Step)
0110-16th note (6 Clocks/Step)
0111-16th note, half swing (7,5 Clocks/Step)
1000-16th note, full swing (8,4 Clocks/Step)
1001-16th note triplets (4 Clocks/Step)
1010-32nd note (3 Clocks/Step)
1011-32nd note triplets (2 Clocks/Step)
1100-64th note triplets (1 Clocks/Step)
Clock source is Master Clock
$69-$7f (105-127)
Not used
All set to $00
$05 (5) Request Patch Dump
Bank + Patch
Bank Number
xx =
0 for Patches 1-128
1 for Patches 129-256
2 for Patches 257-384
3 for Patches 385-512
WARNING! This command will overwrite the
current sounding Patch with the
Patch selected
Patch Number
x =
Juno-106 transmits a $06 (6) command
Kiwi-106 Upgrade User Manual v204