Chord Mode
A Chord is set by playing the Chord
and then pressing and releasing the
POLY1 Button while the keys of the
chord are being held. The chord that
is set will then play for each key
pressed as the base note.
Note - it is best to set the chord
using middle 'C' as the base note.
Note – As the Poly I button is also
used to set key modes this must be
done with no note(s) pressed or a
chord will be set.
As only one chord can be played
at a time the keys played have
last note priority.
Changing a chord.
To change a chord play the new
chord and press and release the
POLY1 Button while the chord
keys are pressed.
Canceling Chord Mode.
To cancel chord mode press and
release the POLY1 Button with no
notes pressed.
Kiwi-106 Upgrade User Manual v204