Getting Started Guide 79
Operating Tasks
Port Configuration
For 3x3 MIMO, the RFIO 2, RFIO 4, and RFIO 6 ports capture the data stream
from the first, second, and third antenna ports of the DUT.
Figure 5-22
3X3 switched MIMO connections
For 3x3 switched MIMO in Sequence Analyzer mode, three separate
acquisitions are used for the three separate ports, and must be integrated. Set
up acquisition integration as follows: in the
Meas Setup > Acquisition Setup >
Acquisition Integration
menu, select
for the first acquisition and
Switch MIMO
for the second and third. The equivalent SCPI commands are:
[:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:ACQuire{1:512}:SETup:INTegration PRIMary
[:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:ACQuire{1:512}:SETup:INTegration SMIMo
[:SENSe]:LSEQuencer:ACQuire{1:512}:SETup:INTegration SMIMo