Step 4: Redeem Your Software Licenses
Software Installation
Step 4: Redeem Your Software Licenses
The basic software required to operate your solution requires no license. This
Keysight IO Libraries Suite
Keysight M9381A VSG Software
Keysight M9393A VSA Software
Keysight M937xA VNA Software
Keysight M9018A 18 Slot PXIe Chassis Drivers
Keysight PXIe Power Amplifier Demo Software
Additional software may be included with your solution that requires licensing. For
any additional licensed software products that you include in your solution you
receive a Software Entitlement Certificate, for example:
Keysight Signal Studio Applications Software
Keysight Waveform 5 or 50 packs (optional)
Keysight X-Series Measurement Applications for Modular Instruments
Signadyne AWG-H3353. Arbitrary Waveform Generator. (licensing and soft-
ware is free, goto
For each of these licensed products, whether installed on your M9036A/M9037A
Embedded Controller, or installed on your PC, you must redeem your license. Follow
the instructions on your Software Entitlement Certificate to license and enable your
new software.
Keysight Y1299A-004 RF PA/FEM Reference Solution Startup Guide