Keysight N8262A User’s Guide
Data questionable; CAL ERROR
Power meter calibration failed. The most likely cause is attempting to calibrate without
applying a 1 mW power to the power sensor.
Data questionable; CAL ERROR ChA
Power meter calibration failed on Channel A. The most likely cause is attempting to
calibrate without applying a 1 mW power to the power sensor.
Data questionable; CAL ERROR ChB
Power meter calibration failed on Channel B. The most likely cause is attempting to
calibrate without applying a 1 mW power to the power sensor.
Data questionable; Input Overload
The power input to Channel A exceeds the power sensor’s maximum range.
Data questionable; Input Overload ChA
The power input to Channel A exceeds the power sensor’s maximum range.
Data questionable; Input Overload ChB
The power input to Channel B exceeds the power sensor’s maximum range.
Data questionable; Lower window log error
This indicates that a difference measurement in the lower window has given a negative
result when the units of measurement were logarithmic.
Data questionable; Upper window log error
This indicates that a difference measurement in the upper window has given a negative
result when the units of measurement were logarithmic.
Data questionable; ZERO ERROR
Power meter zeroing failed. The most likely cause is attempting to zero when some
power signal is being applied to the power sensor.
Data questionable; ZERO ERROR ChA
Power meter zeroing failed on Channel A. The most likely cause is attempting to zero
when some power signal is being applied to the power sensor.
Data questionable; ZERO ERROR ChB
Power meter zeroing failed on Channel B. The most likely cause is attempting to zero
when some power signal is being applied to the power sensor.
Hardware missing
The power meter is unable to execute the command because either no power sensor is
connected or it expects an E-series power sensor and one is not connected.