Status Byte Register
This register summarizes the information from all other status groups and stores STB and RQS messages as defined
by the IEEE 488 standard. The *STB? query reads the status byte register and transmits the contents of the status
byte register and the master status summary (MSS) message. The *STB? query does not change the status byte,
MSS, or RQS.
Bit Value Bit Name
0 1
Reserved for future use; always set to 0.
1 2
Reserved for future use; always set to 0.
2 4
Error/Event Queue
One or more errors are in the error queue. Use SYSTem:ERRor? to read and delete errors.
3 8
Questionable Status
Summary (QUES)
One or more bits are set in the Questionable Data Register and the corresponding QUEStionable status
enable register bit is true. See STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle.
4 16
Message Available
Data is available in the instrument's output buffer.
5 32
Event Status Sum-
mary (ESB)
One or more bits are set in the Standard Event Status Register. Bits must be enabled, see
6 64
Request Service
One or more bits are set in the Status Byte Register and may generate a Request for Service or the Master
Summary Status has one or more event bits. Bits must be enabled, see
7 128
Operation Status
Summary (OPER)
An event in the Operation Status register has been generated. Bits must be enabled, see
Master Status Summary and Request for Service Bits
MSS is a real-time (unlatched) summary of all Status Byte register bits that are enabled by the Service Request
Enable register. MSS is set when the instrument has one or more reasons for requesting service. *STB? reads the
MSS in bit position 6 of the response but does not clear any bits in the Status Byte register.
The RQS bit is a latched version of the MSS bit. Whenever the instrument requests service, it sets the SRQ interrupt
line true and latches RQS into bit 6 of the Status Byte register. When the controller does a serial poll, RQS is cleared
inside the register and returned in bit position 6 of the response. Other Status Byte register bits are not disturbed.
Error and Output Queues
The Error Queue is a first-in, first-out (FIFO) data register that stores numerical and textual description of an error or
event. Error messages are stored until they are read with SYSTem:ERRor? If the queue overflows, the last
error/event in the queue is replaced with error -350,"Queue overflow".
The Output Queue is a first-in, first-out (FIFO) data register that stores instrument-to-controller messages until the
controller reads them. Whenever the queue holds messages, it sets the MAV bit (4) of the Status Byte register.
Keysight AC6800 Series Operating and Service Guide