The Geometer’s Sketchpad
for TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and
© 2000-2002 KCP Technologies, Inc.
Voyage™ 200 PLT User Guide and Reference Manual
deleting, 43
dependent, 34
deselecting, 25, 83
dilating, 26
dragging, 25
formatting, 53, 54
function plots, 48, 79, 86
functions, 79
givens, 34
hiding, 53, 57
independent, 34
intersecting, 59
labels, 46, 53
lines, 30, 59
loci, 47, 62, 86
measurements, 47, 69
measuring, 69
moving, 57
parents, 46
paths, 58
points, 27
properties, 45
rays, 30, 59
rotating, 26
segments, 30, 59
selecting, 24, 86
showing, 57, 85
showing hidden, 53
tracing, 54, 85
transforming, 63
translating, 26
Open, 50
Ordinate (Y), 73
Parallel Line, 59
parents, 46
paths, 58
Pause Animation, 55
performance, 86
Perimeter, 69
Perpendicular Line, 60
Plot As (r,
), 77
Plot As (x, y), 77
Plot Function, 78
Plot Point, 77
Point on Object, 58
Point Tool, 27
constructing, 27
merging, 44
midpoints, 44, 58
of intersection, 27, 44, 59
on other objects, 27, 44, 58
plotting, 77
splitting apart, 43
splitting from objects, 43
polar coordinates, 74
Polar Grid, 76
Polygon Interior, 61
Preferences, 51
Properties, 45
radians, 52
Radius, 69
Ratio, 69
ratios of dilation, 65
Ray, 59
Ray Tool, 30
rays, 59
angle bisectors, 60
rectangular coordinates, 74
Rectangular Grid, 76
Redo, 42
Reflect, 68
reflection, 65
repositioning the view, 23
results, 34
Resume Animation, 55
Rotate, 68
Rotate Arrow, 26
rotation, 64
Save, 51
scaling, 64
scaling factors, 65
scrolling, 23
Segment, 59
Segment Tool, 30
segments, 59
Select All, 45
Select Children, 45
Select Parents, 45
all objects, 45
all objects of a given type, 45
related objects, 45
with a marquee, 25
Selecting, 24
Selection Arrow tools
Dilate Arrow Tool, 26
Selection Arrow Tools, 24
Rotate Arrow, 26
Selection Arrow Ttols
Translate Arrow Tool, 26
Show All Hidden, 53
Show buttons, 57
properties, 49
Show Grid, 76
Show Labels, 53
Show Toolbox, 57
Showing Labels, 31
Sketch menu, 50
creating, 50
opening, 50
repositioning, 23
saving, 51
scrolling, 23
Slope, 69
Slower (animation speed), 56
Small (text size), 54
Snap To Grid, 76
Speed, 56
Split/Merge, 43
points apart, 43