The Geometer’s Sketchpad
for TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and
© 2000-2002 KCP Technologies, Inc.
Voyage™ 200 PLT User Guide and Reference Manual
Merging Two Points
To combine two points into a single point, select the two points and choose
Merge Points. This command is available only when at least one of the
two selected points is an independent point (and the second point is not
dependent on the independent point).
Example: Merging Two Points
1. Select two points.
2. Press
Points. The points converge
into a single point.
Merging a Point to an Object
To merge an independent point to a path object (such as a segment, circle,
point locus, or polygon perimeter), select both the point and the path object
and choose Merge [Point] To Path. This command is available only when
one independent point and one path (not constructed by that independent
point) are selected. After merging a point to a path, the point’s location
will be constrained to possible locations on the path, as if you had
constructed the point using Point on Object (see page 58).
Example: Merging a Point to an Object
1. Select an independent point and
a path (in this case, a circle).
2. Press
Merge Point
to Circle (Merge to Path on
the TI-89). The point moves to
merge with the path.
Merging Text
To merge separate pieces of text together into a single sentence, select one
or more captions, as well as any measurements or other text objects that
you wish to merge. Then press
Merge Text. Sketchpad
consolidates the separate pieces of text into a single caption.
Splitting Merged Text
To return a single caption of merged text to its component parts, select the
merged caption and press
Split Text. Sketchpad splits the
caption into the parts that were originally merged.
If you want to merge two
points, neither of which is
independent, first split one
of the dependent points
from its parent. This will
make it an independent
point. Then you can merge
that independent point to
your other dependent point.
Use Merge Text if you want
to create single phrases that
contain more than one
measurement. For instance,
you could merge two
measured lengths into a
sentence that reads “The
model is 5.2 cm high and
3.0 cm wide.”