The Geometer’s Sketchpad
for TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and
© 2000-2002 KCP Technologies, Inc.
Voyage™ 200 PLT User Guide and Reference Manual
The Text Size settings, Small, Medium, and Large, determine the
appearance of selected captions, measurements, and object labels. By
default, Sketchpad creates new objects with a text size determined by your
Preferences (see page 51). Use different text sizes to add visual emphasis
to your sketch.
Objects with the Trace command activated leave a “trail” behind them
whenever they are dragged. Choosing Trace has no immediate effect on
the sketch, but affects how objects display when they are moved. Use
tracing to investigate the path (the locus) of an object over the course of a
dynamic transformation (such as dragging or animating).
When you choose Trace, tracing is activated for selected objects, and it
remains activated until you select them and choose Trace again. When
tracing is activated for a selected object (or all selected objects), the Trace
command appears in the menu with a checkmark beside it. Choosing
Trace a second time removes the checkmark and deactivates tracing for
the selected object(s).
Example: Using Trace
1. Select an object (or objects)
whose path or locus you are
interested in.
2. Press
Trace [Object]. Tracing is now activated for
the selected object, and it will leave behind traces when it’s moved.
3. Drag any part of your
construction that causes the
previously selected object to
move. Sketchpad displays traces
of that object’s former locations.
4. To stop tracing the traced object, select it again and press
to show the menu. Trace now appears with a checkmark, indicating
that tracing is activated for the selected object. Press
Trace to
deactivate tracing for the object.
5. Continue dragging your
construction. The previously
selected object no longer leaves
6. To remove the previously
displayed traces from the
screen, press
Clear All Traces (or hit
twice). Sketchpad removes all
visible traces from the display.
Clear All Traces removes any visible object traces from the screen. This
command is only available when object traces are visible. Clearing all
traces does not alter whether tracing is activated for the objects themselves;
it only affects the display. During an animation of traced objects, you can
Clear All Traces to unclutter the display without interrupting the
animation or causing traced objects to no longer trace. See the description
of the Trace command, above, for information about tracing objects and
stopping objects from tracing when they are moved.
Text Size
Traced objects produce
visible traces on the screen
only when they are moved.
Likewise, traces on the
screen can remain even
after you’ve stopped tracing
a previously traced object.
Use Clear All Traces to
remove visible traces of
Clear All Traces