The Geometer’s Sketchpad
for TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and
© 2000-2002 KCP Technologies, Inc.
Voyage™ 200 PLT User Guide and Reference Manual
2. Using the
cursor controls,
move the Translate Arrow to the
object you wish to drag.
3. Press and hold
). Then use the
cursor controls to drag your
object. As you drag, all related
objects adjust automatically.
4. Release
) to stop dragging.
To dilate or rotate an object, follow the same steps, but use the Dilate or
Rotation Arrow instead of the Translate Arrow.
Dragging an object with the Translate Arrow translates that object, moving
it in the same distance and direction as your cursor. Translation does not
change the size or orientation of an object. Related objects adjust
Dragging an object with the Rotate Arrow rotates that object in a circle
about the point in your sketch currently marked as center. Rotation changes
the orientation but not the size of an object. Related objects adjust
Dragging an object with the Dilate Arrow dilates that object toward or
away from the point currently marked as center. Dilation changes the size
but not the orientation of an object: as you dilate toward the marked center,
the dragged object(s) becomes smaller; as you dilate away from the
marked center, the object(s) becomes larger. Related objects adjust
The Rotate and Dilate Arrows drag your object with respect to a point that
is marked as the center of transformation. If you have not yet marked a
center point, Sketchpad will mark one for you when you attempt to use
these Arrows. To mark a different point as the center of dilation, see Mark
Center (page 65). If you attempt to drag the center point itself with the
Rotate or Dilate Arrow, nothing will move—a point dilated or rotated
about itself remains fixed.
When an Arrow is positioned over an
object’s label, but not over any
object, it momentarily becomes the
Text tool, which repositions labels.
See Text Tool (page 31) for more
Translate Arrow
Rotate Arrow
Dilate Arrow
About Marked
Dragging Labels