SCPI Reference Tables
Model 2750 Multimeter/Switch System User’s Manual
Path to configure AC current.
:APERture <NRf>
[, <clist>]
Set integration rate in seconds (60Hz,
1.67e-4 to 1; 50Hz, 2e-4 to 1).
(Note 2)
:APERture? [<clist>]
Query aperture integration rate.
:NPLCycles <n>[, <clist>]
Set integration rate in line cycles (60Hz,
0.01 to 60; 50Hz, 0.01 to 50).
:NPLCycles? [<clist>]
Query line cycle integration rate.
Path to set measurement range:
[:UPPer] <n>[, <clist>]
Select range (0 to 3.1).
[:UPPer]? [<clist>]
Query range.
:AUTO <b> [, <clist>]
Enable or disable auto range.
:AUTO? [<clist>]
Query state of auto range.
:DIGits <n> [, <clist>]
Specify measurement resolution (4 to 7).
:DIGits? [<clist>]
Query resolution.
:REFerence <n>[, <clist>]
Specify reference (-3.1 to 3.1).
:STATe <b> [, <clist>]
Enable or disable reference.
:STATe? [<clist>]
Query state of reference.
:ACQuire [, <clist>]
Use input signal as reference.
:REFerence? [<clist>]
Query reference value.
Path to configure and control filter:
:TCONtrol <name>
Select filter type: (MOVing or REPeat).
(Note 3)
Query filter type.
:WINDow <NRf>
Set filter window in % of range
(0 to 10).
Query filter window.
:COUNt <n> [, <clist>]
Specify filter count (1 to 100).
:COUNt? [<clist>]
Query filter count.
[:STATe] <b> [, <clist>]
Enable or disable filter.
(Note 4)
[:STATe]? [<clist>]
Query state of digital filter.
Path to set bandwidth:
:BANDwidth <NRf>
[, <clist>]
Set AC detector bandwidth in Hertz
(3 to 3e5).
:BANDwidth? [<clist>]
Query bandwidth.
Table 15-5 (continued)
SENSe command summary
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Summary of Contents for 2750
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Page 324: ...12 CommonCommands 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...
Page 348: ...15 SCPIReferenceTables 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...
Page 374: ...B Model7700ConnectionGuide 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...
Page 386: ...C StatusandErrorMessages 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...
Page 394: ...D SignalProcessing SequenceandDataFlow 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...
Page 408: ...E MeasurementConsiderations 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...
Page 428: ...G IEEE 488BusOverview 2750 900 01 book Page 1 Wednesday August 3 2011 7 56 AM...