KL25164 -
Cannular Fully Automatic - Single Lane
Last Updated 1/07/2022 9:44 AM
2.0 - Identifying parts on the Cannular Single Lane Canning
2.1 - Beverage Line / Liquid Flow Meter
Inlet fitting 8mm OD Barb x 1/2” Female Threaded Fitting. The 6.35mm x 9.5mm EVABarrier can be
stretched over this fitting and secured with a clamp. Your beverage line will be attached here.
Please note we recommend to pre-chill your beverage down so that carbonation levels can remain
as steady as possible. We have found using a G40 set to -2°C with 2m of 5mm x 8mm EVABarrier
from Keg to G40, and a short line (1m) from the G40 to Cannular to be a suitable option. The more
insulation you give your liquid line, the better the temperature stability of your beverage.
Please note the gas pressure will change depending on your beverages carbonation level, ambient
temperature and desired finished CO2 level.